There will be NO CLASSES on Wednesday, March 2nd, as I have a meeting to attend in Manchester. The regular Tuesday make-up schedule will be following on Tuesday, March 1st.
4:30-5:00 -- Megan Staner 5:00-5:30 -- Creative Movement 5:30-6:15 -- ALL Hip-Hop Dancers ALL Edgewood Ballet/Jazz Dancers will meet on Wednesday from 4-5. Thank you!
Please note the updated make-up schedule! 4:30-5:00 -- Megan Staner 5:00-5:30 -- Creative Movement 5:30-6:15 -- ALL Hip-Hop Dancers 6:15-7:00 -- ALL Ballet/Jazz Students 7:00-7:30 -- Pilates/Stretch Class 7:30-8:00 -- Cardio Dance Parents and Students:: Did you enjoy your snow days?! We certainly encounter some crazy weather here in the midwest. Hopefully the kids enjoyed some time off and got to dance in the snow! Anyway, Spring is on its way, and recital is beginning to sneak up on us! Here are a few updates! New Website!! Fusion DanceWorks has launched a new website: All newsletters will be posted here from now on, as well as being e-mailed to you and posted on the Facebook page. You can also check here for updated studio news and reminders (i.e. class cancellations, make-up days, extra performances). I hope this will be a valuable tool in communicating with you. Please check it often! Snow Make-Up Days:: Monday Classes (Strawberry Point)-- Mondays have been hit hard with snow! Beginning the week of February 14th, you will have your normal class on Mondays from 6:30-8:30, and we will add a class from 5:30-7 on Tuesdays (in Edgewood) through March 1st. This should get us caught up! Tuesday Classes (Edgewood)-- Creative Movement- Miranda will discuss options with you! Hip Hop 4- Monday, Feb. 14th, 6:30-7pm in Strawberry Point Wednesday Classes (Edgewood)-- We will run the following schedule on Tuesday, February 15!! 4:30-5:00 -- Megan Staner 5:00-5:30 -- Creative Movement 5:30-6:15 -- ALL Hip-Hop Dancers 6:15-6:45 -- Ballet 2 (Miranda, Mallory, and Elsie) 6:45-7:15 -- Pilates/Stretch Class 7:15-7:45 -- Cardio Dance Note:: You will also have your regular class on Wednesday, February 16th! Reminder of Recital Dates:: Recital has been set for Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st! Get it marked down on your calendar right away!! Recital will once again be held at Hanson Auditorium in Manchester. It was a huge success last year, and each of the dancers was fantastic! Let’s look forward to another great recital! Dress Rehearsal:: Two dress rehearsals have been set: Saturday, May 7th -- 8-Noon @ Del. Co. Rec Center (Manchester) Thursday, May 19th @ Hanson Auditorium (Evening Time TBD) As last year, these rehearsals are mandatory. If you must miss rehearsal, please let me know ASAP. Costumes:: It begins again - a season of backorders and late shipments. This is something every studio deals with, but it makes it no less frustrating. Remaining costumes and shoes are on their way and will be here for recital. However, I cannot quote an arrival date, not even a guess. I am in regular contact with the costume company and will keep you as up to date as possible. Thank you for your patience! That’s about all for news and notes this month! As always, if you have any concerns, questions, or thoughts, never hesitate to get ahold of me! Keep dancing, Miranda ![]()
These have previously been e-mailed to you and posted on the Facebook site, but for consistency, I'll put them on here, too. Find below printer-friendly PDF files of the October and December newsletters. In the future, there will be an online version of the Newsletter in addition to a PDF file posted here. I hope this helps to streamline communications! Thanks! Miranda ![]()
Here you will find:*Newsletters Archives
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