Another Update For You---
1) For Dress Rehearsal on Thursday, May 19th, dancers should plan on arriving at Hanson Auditorium in Manchester by 4:30 p.m. Hair and make-up should be done. 2) We are still in need of helpers for recital. Parents of the younger ballet/jazz class, it would be nice to have one of you in the room each night to help the girls with costume/hair changes. Let me know if you'd be willing to help one night. 3) Pre-sale tickets for recital are available until May 18th. Family 4-packs are $10; Single Tickets are $3. ALL tickets are $4 at the door. 4) Please let me know if you are interested in Summer Dance Classes. See the newsletter for dates and times. I would like to complete registration by Friday, June 3rd, but will accept registration until camp begins. It's important to keep the kids dancing during the summer! 5) A reminder that final tuition and fees are due this week. That should be all for now! Take care! Miranda
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